Posts Tagged ‘fredflare’


December 26, 2008

I could type for hours and still not even touch on how absolutely lovely today was. Firstly, though, I’m going to touch on the not-so-lovely part of today, which happened this evening not too long ago.

Okay, so Jake often sort of pretends to punch people. This type of ‘punching’ is up close to one’s face, too close for comfort. I’m always sure he’s going to miss and accidentally punch me for real, and that is exactly what happened. Clara was (still kind of is) crying and nearly hyperventilating. Her nose might be broken. I’ve never been that scared after somebody gets hurt.

Now, I’m not going to say another word about the incident because I don’t want to keep remembering it over and over again. I saw it happen.

On to the holiday festivities (speaking of which, we still need to light the menorah):

Most of my family woke up bright and early this morning, or at least before 9 am, and then we of course proceeded to wake those who were not yet up, consisting of Jake and Lydia. Then it was time for the obligatory kids “walking to the presents” picture. We stand in a line in the hallway, oldest in the back to the youngest up front, and my mother takes a picture. Shockingly, she only took one this year. I guess she’s starting to realize that we don’t like standing still for oodles of photos in order to get the “right one.”

Next, of course, it was present time. I ended up getting so many presents over the course of the day that I couldn’t believe it. I was under the impression that this Christmas would be much smaller, but it sure seemed grander than ever. Maybe I received to many because the things on my list were all relatively low in price. Either way, here is some of what I received and some pictures from the websites to go along with them. I am pleased as punch right now.

^Lovely earphones, I think, but my mother hates them. Says they’re creepy and that she’s noticed that a lot of my presents this year are disturbing.

^It’s a music player! It’s a phone! Could it be…both? Yes indeed, and it was free after having my old, beloved phone for two years. It’s real spiffy.

^These are the most adorable little miniatures! Super detailed and I love them!

^All four are thigh high socks from welovecolors in gold, royal, emerald, and red (funny how they’re the four “basic” colors, eh?). My knee highs are always falling down (to my knees, which makes sense, but still) so I thought I’d get some taller ones.

^ Oh my goodness, that stuff is amazing! With my luck, of course, there was nothing really sour in the house to try it with, but we did have some clementines. I ate like, three of those. They tasted like candy! Delicious, healthy candy! Marvelous, it was.

^It just looks like a pile of floating books, but it’s actually a hidden bookshelf. Awesome stuff.

^That was my gift from Santa. It actually broke shortly after being opened, so we’ll be returning it for a non-broken one. It knits i-cord.

^It’s an ornament and much cuter in person. That is the best picture I can find.

^Micro Spy Remote– a universal television remote that’s tiny.

^On a t-shirt

^AMAZING! I saw it in theaters and loved it and I’ve watched it already. Absolutely fabulous. Highly recommended.

^The milk chocolate ones. It’s a tradition for my dad and me to each get a box of them.

Oh, and I also received some The Office related things, sticky notes and pens and such, including a stress ball of Dwight’s head.

Aaaand for Secret Santa it turns out Emma had me. She gave me an amazing purple umbrella and mini peach rings. I had Clara and gave her purple eyeliner and gold eyeliner. Last night I also received pajamas with lovely little triangular trees all over them.

Well, this post is long enough, I think, and it’s getting late. It’s been a long, fun day and a happy holiday indeed. As Travis from YouTube said (, Merry Whatever.

Love you all to pieces.

EDIT: (I tried to add this last night shortly after posting, but the computer was being a douche again)

I also got an amazing dinosaur plant, as seen below:

It really is amazing.  It grew in three hours.

As one site says, it is:

  • A Prehistoric evergreen that keeps coming back to life!
  • Grows in one day! Unconditionally guaranteed to grow!
  • Can “sleep” for fifty years and spring back to life in one day!

So, yeah, it is pretty amazing.  It actually looks a lot greener and leafier than in the picture.

Bye now.

I feel kind of overwhelmed right now.

June 3, 2008

There are a bajillion things happening at once and they are making me feel stressed out and overstimulated. A few of the many are below (kind of in a least to most important order)-

[1]I started reading Catcher In The Rye today (I found it in with the many finally unpacked books, if I did not mention that) and I really want to continue reading it, but unfortunately I have many other things to do and would not be able to settle down and read for a time.

[2]Threadless is having another sale, and they always stress me out a lot- there are so many shirts I wish to buy but I have no money to purchase them with. Additionally, there is a ten dollar shirt on fredflare that I wish I could buy.

[3]There are only about eight days of school left and I have three Bs (two of them are nearing As, however, but the third is nearing a C) and only one A. This is stressing me out tremendously, as having Bs will bring down my grade point average, which will haunt me for the rest of high school and when applying to colleges. Plus, I do all of my homework and everything yet there are many kids in my classes who do not and still get As. It annoys me that they get a better grade than me without even trying.

[4]In Child Development we are going to be working on our portfolio tomorrow, and there are oodles of things to do that need to be included in it. I am afraid I will miss something and up losing part of the twenty percent of my grade final portfolio, thus bringing my almost-A down even more so.

[5]I received a D on a math quiz I got back today, and I absolutely hate failing. I thought I did moderately well, but I guess not. It only brought my grade down one or two percent, but this caused it to become dangerously close to a C. Luckily, my teacher may be offering a retake, but unluckily this will only serve to add even more stress to my plate.

[6]Besides that quiz, there are a variety of finals and tests nearing in my other classes. I fear that I will do horrible and end up bringing my grade down loads in the last few days.

[7]I am afraid of my life being over before I know it has ended. I am getting older every second, and I have become increasingly aware of my own mortality lately. I am going to die someday, and my childhood is ending soon, and then I will have more responsibilities which will only bring on more stress, and… ugh, I am so sick of running out of time for everything.

On a much nicer note, I think Schoder liked my short story. I read it aloud in class today, and, astonishingly, everybody was quiet while I read it. When I was done, Schoder made a comment about how interesting it is how there are so many different levels of aesthetic development (or something of that nature) in the writing skills of our class. I am pretty sure that means he liked mine. Most of the other stories read today were about mountain climbing, for some odd reason. This comment served to cause me to become even more impatient as to what he will write about me in my letter of recommendation.

Gosh, I want a job.

Sorry for ranting and rambling and prattling on and on on matters so trivial in the big scheme of life.


EDIT EVEN BEFORE POSTING: I completely forgot to mention the things of the day; the number is eight hundred twenty-one, the holidays are National Bubba Day and National Rocky Road Day, and the word of the day is tommyrot (a pretentious or silly way of writing).

For Once, A Perfectly Acceptable Saturday

May 3, 2008

As the title suggests, I had a Saturday that was normal, in the societal sense. My dad and I went to see my brother’s (and Daniel’s brother’s as well as some other guys) new band play at a cultural arts center. It is called The Great Operation. It was very loud, but I think good. I say ‘I think’ because I am not a very good judge of music. If it has a beat then I usually think it is okay.

My dad and I had Five Guys before going there.

At the place, I saw this guy who was really jokes. He was actually wearing a shirt that I own and had the same shoes as me. What was awesome about him, though, was the fact that he had dreads. Like I want to get.

Also while there, I chatted with Daniel. We played rock, paper, scissors and spoke of our memories of random events. Plenty of laughs are found in the past. And yes, I did intentionally rhyme that.

It turns out that my older brother is not going to be going to college next year. At least, not at Goucher. I wish he were still going to college. I do not want to see him end up a slacker with a minimum wage job for the rest of his life. Still, if it makes him happy then major props to him.

Emma and our neighbor Brenna started their own little ‘shop’ in our yard, selling things ranging from scarves to bracelets to bookmarks, all of which were made on Brenna’s knitting looms. They had an ‘auction’ and sold bunches of stuff from two cents to twenty-five. I bought three five cent scarves and one seven cent scarf. Their colors are [a]pale yellow, [b]red, [c]orange, purple, and magenta, and [d]red, orange, olive, navy, and purple. I am wearing them all at once at the moment.

On my current list of things I am saving up for/ wish to buy:

A Threadless shirt, as always. And look, this shirt is for nerdfighters such as myself!!!

Look how fantastic these sunglasses are- and in my second favorite color as well!  And yes, I know that I already posted this on a previous shorter wishlist. 

Okay, this is one of the most amazing-looking cameras ever. Those colors are fantastic.

These presidential mustache pins are marvelous.

Charlie and Lola is my absolute favorite television show and basically the only one I watch. The books are not sold around here, seeing as they originated in the United Kingdom, but some can be bought off of Amazon. This one seems the most excellent choice, plus it is a pop-up book!

Just look at how cute little Albert is!

A hidden bookshelf or two would be quite handy. P.S. I wanted one of these before John Green made a video that showed his own.

I have wanted a carnivorous plant set for quite some time.

My mini cacti are not growing, so I figure one of these would be the best solution to my wanting a mini cactus thing.

There you have it. I know my birthday just passed and I got many wonderful things- this is merely a compilation of things for the future, such as if I happen to win the lottery or something, so that I can use this list as a reference.

“…and the post was over, and all was silent.”
