Posts Tagged ‘bliss’

BEDA Installment Twenty-Six: The day flew by like a wayward balloon

April 26, 2009

Today went by quick. I mean, technically it’s not over yet, as it’s 5:07 pm at this very moment, but still. It’s practically over. I went to Costco and Target earlier, and in a little while I’ll be going to the grocery store with my father.

Other than that, I did knit a little bit, and I also watched most of the newest episode of Dollhouse, compliments of Hulu, which really is one of the greatest websites ever.

Right now I’m eating dried mangoes, which are surprisingly good.

Last light I finished reading Bliss. It was pretty good, but it freaked me out and that, coupled with the fact that our house has recently turned into a boiler room, made it hard for me to get to sleep. Eventually I fell asleep while complaining about the heat in my mind.

In the middle of the night, apparently, I started yelling at somebody in my sleep. I actually vaguely remember it, though I’m not sure what I said.

There are only three days until my birthday! I’m wicked excited for it (see, I didn’t say ‘crazy excited’ or ‘super excited!’ my words are varying!). That, and also for the party, which will be a week or two afterwards. Speaking of which, I need to get invitations together.

Ooh, there are two more episodes of Twilight Zone recorded for me to watch. I need to remember that.

This weekend went by SO fast. I just realized that. I guess it’s because I was busy during it, whereas usually I just lie around the house doing nothing much at all.

UGH, it is SO HOT IN HERE! Hank Green’s “It’s Too Hot” immediately comes to mind and has been going through my head repeatedly for days now.

It’s so hard to think when it’s 90.3 degrees! (I just checked the weather online, and it is so)

Sorry I can’t think of anything intelligible to say. To make up for that, I will put some interesting pictures below:

Goodbye now!

Question Twenty-six: What is your favorite kitchen appliance?

BEDA Installment Twenty-Four: If it’s all the same, a new name, and a door frame

April 24, 2009

Firstly, just like the day before yesterday, I think it was, here is some handwritten goodness:

Okay, so listen to this: three of the major bigwigs at my father’s work suddenly up and left. The three of them are starting their own competitive company. IT’S EXACTLY LIKE ON THE OFFICE! It’s CRAZY COINCIDENTAL.

Today I reread the rest of Magical Thinking and just now I began to read Suite Scarlett. Oh, and the fourth book I checked out whose title I could not remember is Bliss, by Lauren Myracle. Courtney read it, and it sounded neat, so I’m going to read it as well.

I took a math quiz and it brought my grade down the exact amount that means it countered my 93%. It is awful. I got a 31%. That is now my new record in terms of horribleness.

It turns out my knees DO know boundaries. They have now begun to cooperate and the left one doesn’t hurt nearly so much.


I’m writing this so terribly early because Clara has a birthday party for her friends tonight, and so she’ll be in the sunroom the whole time, where the computer is located. Technically, I guess I could write this later, after everybody’s left, but I’d rather write it early than chance being way too tired to write anything of any value.

I am going to try to spend this weekend watching old horror movies and reading the remainder of the books I have checked out from the library.

Speaking of the weekend, I can’t believe it’s here already! It seems like it’s Monday, a very long Monday at that, for some reason…

By the way, I only chose the title like that because it all rhymes. The first bit has nothing to do with anything that I know of.

Oh, once I post my three hundredth post I will have a contest of some sort. There will be prizes involved. This is post two hundred eighty-seven, I believe, so it’s not that long away.

Though this is rather brief, I’ve run out of things to say, and so goodbye.

Happy Friday!

EDIT: I forgot to add a question!

Question Twenty-four: Generally, what is your favorite artificial flavor?