Posts Tagged ‘slippery roads’

Half and Half

December 7, 2008

Zinnia Zinnia Zinnia… oh, how she was worth the long wait.

Other than hugging and holding Zinnia all day, marveling at her tiny pink newborn cuteness, I managed to finish a little less than half of my AP Euro outline for the test on Tuesday.  I also read  few chapters of The Scarlet Letter and the sparknotes on them as well because, as my teacher said and pretty much everyone else would agree with me, it is a tough book.  I don’t hate it, though, like nearly everybody else in my class.  I actually kind of like it, even if it is really hard to understand.

Jake went to Goodwill today and bought two flannels.  I wish I had been there– I’ve been wanting to look around and purchase some things for quite a while.

It snowed today and, much to my surprise, it actually stuck a bit.  The roads were very slippery so, who knows, maybe if it starts up again we’ll have a delay Monday, though I doubt it and that’s okay with me.

I am quite liking the new WordPress design.  It feels very modern– crisp and fresh with clean lines.

Well, it is getting late late late and I am somewhat tired, so goodbye and good night.  I hope you all have lovely weekends.