Posts Tagged ‘politically correct fairy tales’

“We have a natural right to make use of our pens as of our tongue, at our peril, risk and hazard.” -Voltaire

May 13, 2009

So I spent the entire evening cleaning the sunroom, making it perfectly squeaky clean to ready it for my birthday party. It is on Friday.

Before that, as like every middle-of-the-week, I went to Wednesday Club. It was very much a repeat of a past Wednesday Club, in that we got miniature Ben and Jerry’s ice creams and ate them outside. The only difference was a few of the people, that and the fact that we have changed so much since then. That day was June 25th, 2008. So many days separate then from now, so many new memories and so much new knowledge.

Sorry, I’m becoming nostalgic once again. I guess it comes with the territory of this age, not-long-after-sixteen, when seventeen seems so far away and eighteen is absolutely unimaginable.

Anyway, after the ice cream extravaganza Courtney threw Valerie’s vitamin water across the walkway and it burst open, spilling its contents completely. Not long after, Courtney and I went inside, where we stayed for the remainder of the time. I’m not sure where the others ended up.

Inside, both of us did our homework, and then I went off in search of new books. I ended up getting nine, I believe, and all seem to be fantastic in each and every way. One of them is by the same author as The Stepford Wives, Ira Levin, and one is about Einstein, another about politically correct versions of popular fairy tales, and all in all I wish I could begin reading them all at once, though that, of course, would not be practical.

I also checked out two new movies, to be added to my lengthy list of movies I need to finish. Actually, there aren’t that many on the list. Never mind. I almost finished watching The Stepford Wives today while cleaning the sunroom, and tomorrow I shall try and finish Twilight Zone: The Movie, and then I will watch the new movies, Sybil and Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?

I am rather far in with re-reading The Princess Bride, which is even more excellent than I remember it. I really hope to re-watch the movie just as soon as I can. I’m beginning to forget which bits of the book are in the movie and vice versa.

Well, a new night of sleep is upon us and a new day will soon follow, so I must bid you brief farewells in the least lengthy fashion possible.

(how do you feel about redundant goodbyes such as the above?)

Oh, and still nobody’s won the three hundredth post contest yet. Keep commenting, and perhaps YOU shall be the victor!

P.S. And I forgot to mention that my bangs were trimmed tonight! That always leaves me with such a crisp, green-apple-like feeling.